Local Government Excellence™

Set your Council, CAO, management and staff up for success with the Organizational Enhancement Toolkit™ - Local Government Edition preloaded on your OEHQ™.

Organizational and industry standards at your fingertips

The Organizational Enhancement HQ™ helps keep everyone on the same page in your commitment to provide exemplary local government services.

Organizational Enhancement Toolkit™
for Local Government

Screenshot of the OEHQ dashboard.
Customize the preloaded Organizational Enhancement Toolkit™ content to
align with your operations, and upload your own internal know-how!

Instructional guidance and information available to your staff 24/7

Captures the valuable day-to-day work required by municipal personnel to ensure the sustainable and efficient delivery of municipal services

Operationalizes legislative requirements and strategic direction

Systematically embeds accountability and organizational standards to ensure compliant service delivery and the achievement of strategic goals

Identifies core service levels

Our Local Government Accountability Frameworks™ serve as the foundation for establishing, maintaining, and modifying levels of service for core municipal service areas

Even More Benefits

Consistent Service Delivery

Ensures a single point for all staff – including casual or temporary staff – to access instructional information in relation to service delivery excellence and job success

Legal Compliance

Ensures legislative and organizational standards are known and readily accessible to all staff

Quality Control

Captures data to reduce liability and errors


Embeds accountability throughout the organization and achieves tremendous role clarity


Provides consistent, comprehensive and fully aligned documentation across the organization.

Health and Safety

Fosters safe work environments


Enhances operational efficiency, including employee turn-over efficiencies

Performance Management

Provides a system to effectively measure success

Risk Management

Serves as an excellent risk management tool

Resource Development

Maximizes valuable organizational resources

Core Values

Increases staff morale and job satisfaction, and ultimately reduces stress in the workplace

Organizational Culture

Enhances decision making, communication and collaboration throughout the organization

Achieve clarity across the organization

IMAGINE… The comfort of knowing that everything your local government organization is accountable for is well defined and at everyone’s fingertips….

IMAGINE… Definitively knowing the day-to-day work required, along with the necessary staffing complements, to successfully deliver each core service area as per established levels of service.

IMAGINE… The operational efficiencies gained when roles and accountability are clearly identified across the organization, and everyone knows how their work contributes to organizational success.

IMAGINE… The confidence instilled with your Council, the public and municipal staff when there is a clear path for making critical decisions pertaining to core services - especially during uncertain times...

Now everyone in your organization… truly on the same page!

Get your online headquarters for achieving Local Government Excellence!

Book a demo today